GoodWill Recruitment, s.r.o.
Place of work
Contract type
Start date
by agreement
Wage (gross)
2 500 – 3 800 EUR/month
Information about the position
Job description, responsibilities and duties
▪ responsibility for management of project from start to serial production
▪ leading launch team – process, quality, project, design, purchase members
▪ responsbility for creatating and maintaining Project Master plan
▪ communication and presenting progress to customer OEM
▪ management, liaise and escalate open issues with other team members
▪ input to customer OEM project data collection system
▪ plan launch activities within the internal production plan
▪ manage regular project update meeting with project team members
▪ manage all cost and profitability, plan and lead improvement activity
▪ budgeting
Company on whose behalf the position is being filled
Automotive industry, manufacture of transport equipment
Well established international company with interesting production program, friendly team, open minded approach and possibility for carrier development.
Requirements for the employee
Candidates with education suit the position
University education (Bachelor’s degree)
University education (Master’s degree)
Postgraduate (Doctorate)
Educational Specialization
Language skills
English – Upper intermediate (B2)
Number of years of experience
Personality requirements and skills
▪ experience in launch, project field in production company with automotive production
▪ knowledge of Quality and Project Norms and Standards
▪ experience with APQP, PPAP, others tools
▪ control of project status, progress and problem solving methods
▪ ability to communicate and argue internally and externally
▪ knowledge of English language
Brief description of the company
Sme GoodWill Recruitment – Vaši kariérni inovátori. Ak chcete zmenu a máte chuť napredovať, pozrieme sa s vami na to, aké možnosti máte vo svojom segmente a zistíme, akú výzvu vám vieme ponúknuť. Vyhľadávame špecialistov v oblasti výroby, vývoja, logistiky, elektrotechniky, informačných technológií, financií či ľudských zdrojov. Môžeme sľúbiť osobný prístup, férovosť a čestnosť. Sme Goodwill Recruitment – spájame správnych ľudí so správnymi firmami.
Vážime si váš prejavený záujem a ďakujeme za zaslanie životopisu. Kontaktovať budeme kandidátov, ktorí spĺňajú požiadavky na danú pozíciu.
Contact person: Ing. Tomáš Kostura
Tel.: +421908568268